Some students do not have to worry about college expenses. Either they have enough money to pay for college or they have been awarded scholarships that cover everything. But for those who do not have those options, college can be a bit daunting.
There is the worry of meeting the overwhelming expenses of tuition, books, room and board, as well as living expenses. Grant money to go to college is out there and student financial aid officers are there to help you learn how to get it. Here is a brief run down on how getting into school and getting money to pay for it works.
In order to get into a university you are going to have to take the ACT, SAT or a comparable test for admittance. The next step is to fill out a form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, to determine how much money you qualify to receive.
This amount will be based on either your income from the previous year or your parent's income, depending on whether or not you are still classified as a dependant. The FAFSA will then generate a Student Aid Report which will tell how much grant money to pay for school you will receive.
The Student Aid Report will give a monetary amount of the financial aid for which you will qualify. It can range from a few hundred dollars on up to four thousand dollars and can be used for tuition, room and board, books and other expenses.
The great thing about this form of money, unlike loans, is that it does not have to be repaid once you graduate. That makes it much easier to go to school without worrying about accumulating a huge amount of debt. You still may need to take out loans but at least this federal student aid can help you offset the number of loans you will need.
The grant money to go to school is available if you make sure and fill out the proper forms and supply the school with the proper information. One note: you will need last year's taxes to determine your income. Do not wait until right before school starts to start the process or you will wind up not having the money available to pay for your tuition and expenses.